British Youth Music Theatre is excited to be hosting the next Cameron Mackintosh Resident Writer placement for a musical theatre writing team of two. This scheme is managed by Mercury Musical Developments and Musical Theatre Network. Before applying, please carefully review the application requirements and eligibility criteria below.

Please note the application form cannot be saved. We recommend you prepare your files in advance and then complete the form when you’re ready to submit.

You will be asked to upload:

  • A cover letter in PDF format (maximum 3 sides of A4), which should address the following three prompts. Do not include any personal contact details (email address/phone number etc.) on this document.
    • Outline the professional experience and any relevant education of both applicants.
    • Why this opportunity appeals to you and why it would particularly benefit you and your writing partner at this point in your musical theatre writing career.
    • Describe the project you would like to develop with BYMT during your time as Resident Writing Team
  •  Three musical theatre song demos (in .mp3 or .wav format) which demonstrate the style and breadth of your work.
    • All three songs should be from projects written by both applicants and not from projects written independently.
    • If you have a song written to be performed by young people and/or a large cast, please include this
  • Lyric sheets to correspond with the three song demos (PDF format).
  • One scene from a stage musical you have written (PDF, maximum 4 sides of A4) which is the scene leading up to one of the three demo songs you have submitted.

If you have any questions about the application please contact or call 020 3951 7961.

Good luck!